Green Group’s Motion to Tackle Knife Crime and Serious Violence Unanimously Passed by BCP Council

In a unanimous decision, BCP Council has passed a motion proposed by Green Councillor Sara Armstrong, aimed at addressing the pressing issue of knife crime in our communities. The motion was seconded by Moordown Green Councillor Joe Salmon, one of several new Green councillors who joined the council this May.

The Green Group’s motion asserted that “Every family and community should be safe from the loss of a life due to knife crime… We need to keep working together to get to the root causes of knife crime.”

The Green motion demanded consideration be given to whether funding is adequate to deliver BCP Council’s “serious violent crime duty”, and to lobby the Government over any shortfall. It called for early intervention work in partnership with voluntary services including youth organisations, and a public health approach involving the NHS, schools, youth services and others.

Councillor Sara Armstrong said: “We need to get to the root causes of knife crime and gang culture amongst our young people and work together to find solutions. 

“More police on the street is one thing, we need youth services & effective support for young people –  all decimated under this government. In passing this motion our council is sending out a powerful message that we are here for young people, we are listening to our communities and we are taking action to fight the scourge of knife crime. Knives have no place here.”

Councillor Alasdair Keddie who sits on the local Police & Crime Panel said: “The motion was based on internationally recognised best practice in violence reduction.  By taking a public health approach to serious violence in our communities we can target the root causes and address them before they spread.

“Earlier this year the government introduced the Serious Violence Duty, a funded cross agency programme based on the public health approach.  The Greens would like to take this further and seek funding for a Violence Reduction Unit to act as a strong preventative measure in BCP.”

The Green Group’s motion underscores their dedication to making BCP a safer place for everyone and their unwavering commitment to the well-being of the community. By unanimously passing this motion, BCP Council has taken a significant step forward in addressing the issue of knife crime and serious violence, promoting a safer and more secure environment for its residents.

The debate on the motion within the council chamber can be watched here:

For further information or media inquiries, please contact: Alasdair Keddie, Green Councillor for Queen’s Park Ward,

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