Education and Action needed for Climate Change

2 October 2013

Climate Reality Project speaker Mark Chivers joined the recent wind farm debate at Southbourne Forum on Friday 27th September, the day on which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change delivered its 5th Assessment Report.  He pointed out, in a hard-hitting presentation, the need for swift action on climate and attacked some greenwash ideas expressed during the meeting.  Some of the myths about wind farms were also dealt with by a speaker from the project.

As Unicef's recent report warns of the concerns of a majority of our youngsters, and Oxfam voices fears over food security and price hikes, Mark is happy to give any local organisation or group his free presentation on this critical subject:

MEP Jean Lambert has slammed David Cameron’s claim to lead ‘the greenest Government ever’ after the latest report by the world’s leading climate scientists warned that runaway climate change fuelled by carbon dioxide emissions is a real possibility.
The Green MEP said the Government’s claim to be the greenest ever was ‘little more than hot air’.

“Cameron has been very good at talking the talk – agreeing, for example, that the UK should reduce its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 – but awful at walking the walk and establishing both the policies and follow-up measures to ensure emissions actually fall,” said Ms Lambert.
“Put simply, the latest report published today by the IPCC implies that that we must drastically cut emissions now – not in 2050.
“We need to stop burning fossil fuels – and simply leave them in the ground.  Instead we must move towards a zero-carbon economy: of course it’s feasible – if Germany can plan and act on this, we can.
“Banning fracking and massively increasing spending on renewable energy production and energy efficiency would be a good start: it’s just a question of political will.”

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