Darren Jones for Bournemouth West - 2024 General Election

Darren has lived in Bournemouth for his entire life. His family home is in West Howe, where he lives with his wife Tammie. He’s been self employed since 2000, working in Music Technology and education with a variety of roles, plus performing music and creating online educational content. He’s a keen mountain biker.

Having spent the last few years self-building an extension to his house, he’s become increasingly aware of the effects of our lifestyles on the natural environment, how many resources are needed for our current way of life, and how small decisions can have long-term impact. Finding an immaculate, discarded 50-year-old crisp packet in the foundations of his home sparked a chain of events which has led him to standing as a Parliamentary candidate for the Green Party, hoping to serve the residents of the town he has always lived in, and work towards improving their lives, the town, and the environment.  

Completing an apprenticeship in the nuclear industry after leaving school, he understands the scale of the changes needed for our clean energy, transport and industrial transition to create a truly sustainable society which will work for all – both in terms of technology and society.

This transition is achievable in a generation, but only with the ambition that the Green Party is demonstrating.

Change can be difficult, but it will bring great rewards and a brighter future. Darren is standing on a platform of personal change, being a life-long lover of cars and motorbikes, and having altered his lifestyle from one competing in rally driving (up to World Rally Championship level in Wales four times) to one where an electric vehicle is the transport of choice, and walking and cycling more common than any other mode of travel.

Darren will be a powerful Green voice in Parliament for Bournemouth. He is dedicated to protecting the NHS, ensuring quality healthcare for all, and advocating for peace and justice in Gaza. His focus on improving lives and fostering a greener future makes him the ideal choice for Bournemouth West

More on Darren's campaign:
Twitter: @BmthWestGreen24

Contact Darren:
07386 471608

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