Understand and join Slack 'channels'

Discussion and collaboration in Slack happens in 'channels'. Users post their messages to the most appropriate channel, bringing order, clarity and your own selective focuses to the overall flow of messages.

It's essential while setting up Slack for you to choose your channels to join, so that you will be able to see all the appropriate group messages from other Slack users.

You can join and leave channels at any time.

BCPGP's current Slack channels

BCPGP's development of using Slack continues. Some of these channels are already fairly active - others are there for you waiting for activity to develop. You are welcome to join any (or even all) of these open channels. Can you help 'warm' and 'host' a particular channel by posting to it regularly and replying to others' comments there?

Universal channels:

  • #general (for general discussion)
  • #random (for any off-topic chat)

Local channels: 
#bournemouth | #bournemouth-west | #bournemouth-east | #christchurch | #poole | #mid-dorset-and-north-poole
#winton | #queens-park | #boscombe | #moordown | #hamworthy

(You can start another ward/neighbourhood channel as soon as there's a need!)

Climate & Ecological Emergency topic channels:
#air-quality | #air-show | #animal-welfare | #eco-education-engagement | #housing | #local-green-economics | #renewable-energy | #rewilding | #transport | #waste-recycling
Plus general channel for Open Space events and cross-cutting themes:

Social justice topic channels:
#drugs-policy | #health-socialcare | #arts-hospitality [plus #housing]

Working group and steering group channels
#activism | #admin-governance * | #coordination * | #councillor-support | # finance-fundraising * | #green-groups | #media-comms * | #membership * | #online-events | #policy | #politics-elections * | #speakers * | #students

Note: After a security review in Feb 2021, the channels marked * have been changed from 'open' to private channels. This means they do not appear when you browse available channels - new members of these channels can be added by the Coordinator or Secretary. BCPGP members with an interest in participating in one or more of these internal channels are generally welcome to join them, and you can join one of these channels without committing to attending any meetings of the group or taking responsibilities. To request access to a private channel, please email contact@bcp.greenparty.org.uk

Other general channels

  • #activist-status (for updates on activists' availability)
  • #stash (for tracking and requesting BCPGP stash, e.g. general-use leaflets, hi-vis jackets, stakeboards, display posters and our feather banners)
  • #slack-tips - links to these training webpages
  • #national-conference (discussion among BCPGP activists of Green Party National Conference)

Instructions follow for joining Slack channels on either your desktop or mobile device.

Join channels in Slack on your desktop device

  • Click on the + icon next to the Channels heading in your left sidebar.
  • Select Browse channels.

Slack channels 1

  • Click on a channel from the alphabetical list (or type a channel name in the search bar, press Enter on your keyboard and then click on the channel name).
  • Click Join Channel (or press Enter on your keyboard).

Slack channels 2 Slack channels 3

Join channels in Slack on your mobile device

  • In the Slack app, tap Home at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Swipe right from the edge of the screen (or touch the square at the top left with two letters) to open the main menu. 
  • Tap Channel browser

Slack channels on mobile 1   Slack channels on mobile 2

  • Select a channel from the alphabetical list, or search for a channel (tap the magnifying glass at top right).
  • Tap Join channel.

Slack channels on mobile 3   Slack channels on mobile 4


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Guide written by Chris Henderson, 2020

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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