Windmills, a distant fear

29 June 2013

Mark, now submitting letters in his new role as a leader in the Climate Reality Project, has had a letter published in the Bournemouth Echo which reads:  

“R Pointer (‘Confine wind farm to bin’ Friday June 21) joins fellow objectors in a series of personal opinions and highly emotive claims (“hideous collection”, “industrialise the coast”) and misleading statements (“twice height of Salisbury Cathedral” – yes, but 8-10 miles out to sea) and “(keep coast for) benefit of future generations” – I understand the decommissioning requirements are set at 25 years, a single generation at best.

“I’m not sure what “recent news media” has been studied but would respectfully suggest those opposed look at Time to Stop Arguing About Climate Change (World Bank), Caves Point to Thawing of Siberia (Oxford University), Whither Global Warming (Yale University) and many, many more on our weird weather, floods and wildfires, current atmospheric carbon levels, methane releases and other related areas.

“These will be much more of a worry to future generations that a few years of distant windmills on part of our horizon on those days when visibility levels are good.”

In the same issue was a letter from our friend and “green” colleague Dr Martin Rodger, pointing out that, as  wholesale gas price has begun to rise again with recent record peak levels over 10 times the level of the 1990s, off-shore wind power looks like a very good economic investment for the nation.


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