Election Day Results

10 June 2017


South East Dorset Green Party acting Chairman, Phil Christopher, has sent out a message to all our local members.

Thank you for your support over the general election campaign! A tremendous amount of hard work has been done and it’s been an amazing night in UK politics. We will see what the next few days and weeks bring us, but whatever happens we’ve been part of a remarkable result.

We have seen our vote squeezed this time around, both locally and nationally. We expected this. Coverage focused heavily on the two main parties and we had to fight hard to have our voice heard. We also worked hard on progressive alliances and, although this is a tricky issue, this has helped both us and others to secure votes where they were needed most. Caroline Lucas has been returned as MP for Brighton Pavilion and so we still have our one Green MP and voice in Parliament.

It’s often tough being a member of the Green Party. We don’t always reap the rewards our efforts would seem to merit. But never lose heart because we are a vital cog in this country’s political landscape! For a party with next to no money we do an amazing amount of work. We have the most wonderful, well thought through, progressive policies. We keep climate change and environmental issues on the agenda when, remarkably, they would often otherwise be completely absent. We lead the way on many issues - being anti-fracking for example - and slowly other parties see sense and agree.

A few days break is very well deserved, but I urge you to attend our next monthly meeting on Wednesday 28th June, 7pm at Moordown Community Centre. Please put it in your diary now. We have lots to do!

Here are the results from our area:

Bournemouth East:
Conservative - Tobias Ellwood - 25,221
Labour - Mel Semple - 17,284
Liberal Democrat - Jon Nicholas - 3,168
UKIP - David Hughes - 1,405
Green Party - Alasdair Keddie - 1,236
Independent - Kieron Wilson - 304

Bournemouth West:
Conservative - Conor Burns - 23,812
Labour - David Stokes - 16,101
Liberal Democrat - Phil Dunn - 2,929
Green Party - Simon Bull - 1,247
Pirate Party - Jason Halsey - 418

Conservative - Christopher Chope
Labour - Patrick Canavan - 10,059
Liberal Democrat - Michael Cox - 4,020
Green Party - Chris Rigby - 1,324

Dorset South:
Conservative - Richard Drax - 29,135
Labour - Tashi Warr - 17,440
Liberal Democrat - Howard Legg - 3,053
Green Party - Jon Orrell - 2,278

Mid Dorset and North Poole:
Conservative - Michael Tomlinson - 28,585
Liberal Democrat - Vikki Slade - 13,246
Labour - Steve Brew - 6,423
Green Party - We did not stand in this seat

Conservative - Robert Syms - 28,888
Labour - Katie Taylor - 14,679
Liberal Democrat - Mike Plummer - 4,433
Green Party - Adrian Oliver - 1,299
Demos Direct Initiative - Marty Caine - 551


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