Winton Library Gardens Closure: This is no way to run a Tourist Town

19 February 2019

Simon and Chris at Winton Library GardensGreen Party councillor Simon Bull and local activist Chris Rigby have renewed their calls for the re-opening of Winton Library Gardens.

Simon, hard-working councillor for Winton East, said: "We're still waiting for some movement from the Council to get the gardens open again. They've been closed for over a year now, and still the residents are not getting the benefit of these wonderful gardens.

"If something's closed down every time there's a bit of anti-social behaviour, we'll end up with nothing left for the people to enjoy and to cherish. Bournemouth is a tourist town, where we come to enjoy ourselves, but if the local residents can't enjoy themselves, what hope is there for our tourists?

Winton resident and Green activist Chris Rigby added: "The gardens are still really well maintained. So money's being spent here, yet the money that's being invested in the gardens to keep them good, by the parks department, isn't actually having the opportunity to be enjoyed by the residents. So all we want to be able to do is open these up again and let the public have access to them."

A solution to the past anti-social behaviour problems would be to allow Winton Library a key to open the gates and let people have use during the day. There has been talk from Bournemouth Council of building up the rear part of the gardens to street level. Chris and Simon believe this is a great idea to make the gardens more open, and are calling for this to take place at the earliest possible opportunity.

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