Charminster Road crossing campaign: Kate Salmon hands in petition with 101 signatures

16 June 2022

Kate Salmon hands in crossing petition

Kate Salmon, Moordown Green Party campaigner, has handed in to BCP Council her petition for a new crossing on Charminster Road, signed by 101 local residents.

Kate says: "The Council said that they would carry out an initial assessment of the proposed site "early in 2022", but so far they haven't confirmed whether this has been done. So I've asked them again to let me know what progress has been made.

"What we do know is that decision makers will take local demand for a new crossing into account in their plans. By signing the petition and leaving all your fantastic comments, you've clearly demonstrated the strength of local feeling over this issue, and made a really important contribution to the campaign for safer local roads in Moordown. So thank you!

"I'm also campaigning on some other local road safety issues at the moment, including improvements to the junction between Charminster Road and West Way. If you know of any other streets where there are concerns about safety, speeding cars or a lack of provision for walkers and wheelers, please do drop me a line any time.

"I'll let everyone know when there's news about the proposed crossing on Charminster Road."

National News