Cllrs Simon Bull and Chris Rigby respond to recent student behaviour in Winton

16 September 2020

Cllr Simon Bull has made a statement in response to the recent parties that have taken place in Winton to say that “I have today contacted BCP Council, Dorset Police, Bournemouth University and Arts University Bournemouth to revisit the measures in place to deal with the nuisance and distress that such events cause.

“Students are a welcome addition to life in Winton, they contribute positively to the area. Sadly some choose to behave in a way that is not acceptable. We also recognised that not all parties or anti-social activity is down to students in the same way that not all Houses of Multiple Occupation are occupied by students.

“I ask residents to continue contacting the council and, where appropriate, the police when incidences occur.

Cllr Chris Rigby has also commented about students back in Winton or here for the first time. “We know clubs are shut, events are off and you're going to want to party. You're part of this community, we're all here together so please:
- Be respectful
- Get to know your neigbours
- Engage with local groups
No one wants environmental health, the police or your University knocking on the door.”

Simon and Chris will continue to liaise with the Universities, Council and Police on this.


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