Have your say on an important new Public Space Protection Order

23 January 2023

BCP Green Councillor Chris Rigby writes: "Hi, I think this is a very important post.

"BCP Council are looking for your feedback on a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) and I urge you to have your say on it."

It is proposed that the following behaviours would be prohibited within selected open spaces, parks and heathland;

  • A ban on overnight camping and sleeping

  • A ban on the lighting of any open fires
  • A ban on lighting any barbeques.

It is proposed that the following behaviours would be banned within the specified geographical areas including car parks and highways;

  • A ban on overnight sleeping in vehicles
  • A ban on playing loud music which has a detrimental impact on others
  • A ban on acting in an anti-social manner which has a detrimental impact on others.

The following behaviours would be banned or restricted within the specified coastal and beachfront areas:

  • A ban on overnight camping and sleeping
  • A ban on playing loud music which has a detrimental impact on others
  • A ban on acting in an anti-social manner which has a detrimental impact on others.
  • A ban on lighting any open fires
  • A restriction on lighting barbeques before 18:00.

The consultation will run until midnight on 19 February 2023. You can access it here https://haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/pspo

Cllr Rigby commented: "Personally I think some measures being proposed are completely sensible and agree with them, banning open fires and disposable BBQs on heathlands and areas prone to wildfires for example, and others go much too far.

"Please feedback using the link, but I'd also love to hear all your views personally too by either commenting on this post or emailing me."

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