Latest Winton Rec improvements: New picnic bench, flower beds, educational sign for new pond

7 February 2023

Winton East Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby visited Winton Recreation Ground recently to check out latest improvements.

These include a smart new picnic bench, and two new gabion flower beds raised with attractive long-lasting natural materials.

New gabion flower beds at Winton RecNew picnic bench at Winton Rec

At the pond, Simon and Chris caught up with Cathi Farrer from the Parks Foundation. In the picture you can see a large new educational map of the pond, provided to help young (or not so young) visitors understand and appreciate its rich range of natural life.

New pond sign at Winton Rec

Chris Rigby commented: “it’s great to see the new pond taking shape. We're looking forward to seeing it develop through spring into a thriving ecosystem that can also be enjoyed by everyone - with the Parks Foundation running pond dipping sessions, for example.”

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