Litter at Moordown Rec: Kate and Joe Salmon's Green team clean up

5 December 2022

Hard-working Moordown campaigners Kate Salmon [pictured, left] and Joe Salmon [taking the photo] organised a successful community litter pick on Sunday 4th December 2022.

Eleven local residents gathered at Moordown Recreation Ground and collected six sacks of litter from the park and surrounding streets. Kate got the rubbish collected by the council’s waste team.

Moordown Rec litter pick

Kate says: “A big thank you to the fantastic group of volunteers who gave up an hour to clean up our local area. I know many local people are concerned about the poor state of our streets, with litter an increasing problem.

"It makes our community feel neglected and uncared for, and causes problems like blocked drains and gullies which increase the risk of localised flooding.

“It’s great that people in Moordown are willing to step up and help make things better. Yet it’s sad that we no longer seem to be able to rely on the Council to maintain a pleasant local environment.”

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