Major incident reported at Bournemouth beach

25 June 2020

Bournemouth beach

BBC News reported that sun-seekers have been urged to stay away from beaches as thousands flocked to the Dorset coast and a major incident was declared in Bournemouth. The picture above is taken from the report which was nationally broadcast on radio, TV, and on the internet, and went on to say:

"Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council said Bournemouth Beach was "stretched to the absolute hilt" on the second day of a UK heatwave.

"Dorset Police said there were reports of gridlocked roads, fights and overnight camping.

"People were urged to "act responsibly" as temperatures hit the mid-20s.

"Traffic built up early on coast-bound roads - including Durdle Door - and people travelled to Bournemouth from as far as Birmingham.

"The council said declaring a major incident meant a "multi-agency emergency response has now been activated to co-ordinate resources across the area to tackle the issues".

"Council leader Vikki Slade said they were "absolutely appalled at the scenes witnessed on our beaches.  The irresponsible behaviour and actions of so many people is just shocking and our services are stretched to the absolute hilt trying to keep everyone safe. We have had no choice now but to declare a major incident and initiate an emergency response."

"The council said it had issued a record 558 parking fines and extra enforcement was now in place.
It said 33 tonnes of waste was cleaned up along the coastline on Thursday morning, in addition to eight tonnes collected between the piers on Wednesday."

Green Party Cllr Chris Rigby said “This absolutely breaks my heart, sunny day, after sunny day, year after year, a never ending cycle of selfishness.

"It's not just here, take your pick of beaches, parks and other open spaces across the country.  If you can carry rubbish somewhere, then you can certainly carry it home with you.

"Huge thanks to the BCP council workers, community groups and individuals who tirelessly clear this mountain of waste, day after day, when you absolutely should not need to."


The Guardian published the above photograph along with a report about stabbing incidents and other anti-social behaviour, with local residents describing the "ugly atmosphere".

Channel 4 News reported:

"The Chief Medical Officer for England has warned people trying to enjoy this hot glorious sunshine that they must continue following social distancing rules or risk a rise in coronavirus cases.

"His warning came as a major incident was declared in three Dorset towns as thousands of people flock to beaches – on what has been the hottest day of the year so far.

"Police and council leaders have pleaded with people to stay away – saying the irresponsible behaviour of some people was “shocking”.

Bournemouth Echo carried several reports, including responses by Vikki Slade, leader of BCP Council, and MP Tobias Elwood, which can be read here, and the stabbing incident, which can be read here.

National News