Winton East councillors join Acland Road neighbourhood litter-pick

3 July 2021

Simon Bull litter-picking in Acland Road, Winton Chris Rigby at Acland Road litter-pick

Winton East's Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby were out this morning for a slightly soggy litter pick with residents from the Acland Road Community Support group; they went on tackle to Brownen Road, Frampton Road and a bit of Markham Road too!

Chris Rigby said: "The residents have been doing this regularly since first lockdown, and the street is looking very tidy.

"It was good to join in and be able to listen to some issues local to the street and see what Councillor Bull and I can do to help.

"If any other streets in Winton are doing something similar, let me know and I'll pop along to help out and listen to any issues your street may have."

Simon Bull commented: "Good to talk about local issues while making the place look a bit tidier!"

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