Tape-cutting ceremony on Sat 14th March as Winton Library Gardens reopen

27 February 2020

Winton Library Gardens has now reopened following the campaign by Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby, in fulfilment of another election pledgeOn Saturday 14th March at 10am, you can join Simon, Chris and Library staff in a tape-cutting ceremony.

Councillor Simon Bull said: "Winton Library Gardens have been closed for far too long - but now finally we've got them open. The upper section here is open for public access. There's a bench, there's lovely gardens. It's a great place to sit and relax, read a book, take some time with the children. And in due course we'll get the bottom half open as well."

Councillor Chris Rigby added: "Obviously when it warms up a little bit and we head into Spring, everything's still planted up here. It's a great place to come, get some books out the Library, come out here with the kids, have a read, and just relax and enjoy another bit of green space in Winton."

On Saturday 14th March at 10am, you can join Simon, Chris and Library staff in a tape-cutting ceremony at Winton Library Gardens. [RSVP on Facebook...]

Post-event update!

Here are photos from the event:

Winton Library Gardens tape-cutting

At Winton Library Gardens tape-cutting

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