Cllr Simon Bull takes to the airwaves calling for Navitus Bay windfarm to be revisited

8 October 2020

BCP Green Councillor Simon Bull appeared on news bulletins of regional radio station Wave 105, again suggesting a revival of Dorset's shelved Navitus Bay windfarm scheme, in response to Boris Johnson's announcement of an expansion of wind power.

BCP Green Party · Simon Bull on Wave 105 calling for a revival of the Navitus Bay windfarm scheme - 06.10.20
BCP Green Party · Simon Bull on Wave 105 calling for a revival of the Navitus Bay windfarm scheme - 06.10.20

Simon was introduced in a 6th October bulletin by the newsreader as "hoping this will provide a chance to revisit plans for a windfarm off the Dorset coast, following an unsuccessful attempt five years ago".

Simon's broadcast comment was: "It was a great shame that the Navitus Bay wasn't given the opportunity. We could be using the energy now. I think there was a lot of misinformation at the time. I would hope that perhaps somebody would like to come forward with a similar scheme. I would welcome any opportunity to revisit that and see what we could do."

Stock image of wind farmThe scrapped project by EDF Energy and Eneco would have seen up to 121 turbines sited 13 miles from Bournemouth and Poole and nine miles from Swanage.

Earlier this year Simon, in his then role as Chair of Planning Committee within the then Unity Alliance administration, was featured in the Bournemouth Echo on the same subject.

In another clip aired in a later Wave 105 bulletin, Simon commented on the national Conservative plans: "I am sceptical about how serious they are. We've seen in the past how they've withdrawn funding. But if they're going to put some investment in it, if they really are getting behind wind power, I think that's good news."

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