Simon Bull in Echo again championing local offshore wind – but local Conservatives still say no

Climate & Ecological Emergency Front page Simon Bull

Simon Bull, Green Party Councillor for Winton East on BCP Council, has again been quoted in the Bournemouth Echo, once more championing an offshore wind farm for Dorset:

“Green Party councillor Simon Bull told the Daily Echo the local authority should not ‘close the door on anything without proper investigation’.

“Councillor Bull said “forceful measures and real action” was needed to tackle climate change.

“He said the £20m [BCP Council climate change] fund was split into £4m per year over the next five years. While he welcomed the money, he said it need to be spent on the right things. The Winton East ward councillor said this included finding alternative ways to warming homes, providing clean, green, affordable and accessible public transport and reducing the number of motor vehicles on the roads.”

But responding to a resident’s question on revisiting wind farms, the Conservative Leader of BCP Council said: “There is no plan at all around wind farms that is on our table. It is certainly not something we are looking at.

“We don’t feel we need to in the first instance.”

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