Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Green Party’s policy on [X]? You can have a look through the Green Party of England & Wales’ comprehensive policy file, arranged topic by topic.
How do I get involved with the Green Party locally? Check out our Get Involved page in the first instance, and the links and contact email addresses given there – or look at our Events calendar.
Contact BCP Green Party (BCPGP)
To contact a specific individual, find their email address from the People page.
For general enquiries or submissions of community information, please contact the BCPGP Secretary and Local Party Contact, Alison Randall, at
For press enquiries and requests, email
For enquiries about your membership record or status, email Membership Secretary, Martine Smid-Weevers, at
If you need to make a change to your Green Party membership or membership details, the Green Party of England & Wales provides a webform, where you can submit your changes now.