Queen’s Park & Charminster, BCP Council

Alasdair Keddie topped the poll to be elected as Green Party Councillor for Queen’s Park & Charminster in the May 2023 BCP Council election.
Alasdair has lived, worked and studied in Bournemouth for 30 years, the last 23 of these in Charminster, and it is where he has chosen to raise his young family. Alasdair says: “I am committed to improving Queen’s Park and Charminster for everyone who lives here.”
Alasdair’s background is in IT and business. After graduating from Bournemouth University in the 1990s, he worked as a technical consultant for IBM, then as a self-employed consultant working on open source software projects. He now owns his own local small business. He is a passionate environmental campaigner, and long-standing member of Greenpeace. He is experienced in organising fund-raising events and activities, and has led campaigns against rainforest destruction, oil drilling and fracking.
Latest news featuring alasdair keddie
- Sara Armstrong and Alasdair Keddie support launch of Friends of Knyveton & Spencer GardensThe Friends of Knyveton and Spencer Gardens launched itself as a constituted community group this evening, at the Eastcliff & Springbourne Residents Group Meeting. Councillor Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) said: “Reclaiming the park as a community is an important step in combating the type of ASB that has blighted this part of our neighbourhood for decades.”
- Sara Armstrong & Alasdair keddie join “night of action” at bournemouth fireworksCouncillor Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) says: “It was absolutely fantastic to join the multi-agency team for a ‘Night of Action’ at the fireworks down in Bournemouth tonight with my colleague Cllr Alasdair Keddie (Queen’s Park & Charminster). We saw for ourselves the wonderful work being done in partnership to support our communities – by BCP Council CSAS officers, Dorset Police, WISE Litter Enforcement Officers, seafront rangers and other teams – and tackle things like knife crime and serious violence.
- It’s now much easier to report drug crime activity – after Alasdair Keddie leadsLocal residents can now report any suspected drugs-related activity to Dorset Police much more quickly and easily. Green Councillor for Queen’s Park & Charminster Alasdair Keddie is a member of the Dorset Police & Crime Panel. He successfully led a strand of work by the Panel on crime reporting, which led to agreement for Dorset Police to set up a new “intelligence portal” webform.
- Graffiti cleared from dual carriageway underpasses, as Alasdair Keddie and Sara Armstrong monitor cleanlinessGreen Councillors Alasdair Keddie (Queen’s Park & Charminster) and Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) met with the BCP Graffiti Team as they were cleaning the underpass between their wards, by BH Live and Holdenhurst Road. Alasdair commented: “This underpass is regularly used by our residents as they go to school, work or the gym. We receive frequent reports that the graffiti makes people feel unsafe.”
- Cyril Park and alleyways cleared of litter and fly-tippingAs of April 2024, Cyril Park and nearby alleyways were completely clear of litter and fly-tipping. Hard-working Green councillor for Queen’s Park & Charminster Alasdair Keddie has frequently liaised with the BCP Cleansing Team, working to fix these issues, and graffiti, across the Wessex Way area. He also picks litter himself daily after his school run – totalling at least 50 bags in the past year.
- A sad farewell to King’s Park Plant Nursery after 100 yearsAfter 100 years, King’s Park Plant Nursery has permanently closed. BCP Council decided to axe the facility as part of £41m of further cuts to balance its books. Councils across the country are in dire financial straits, following 14 years of swingeing cuts to council funding by the Conservative Government. Green Councillors Alasdair Keddie (Queen’s Park & Charminster) and Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) visited the nursery at the end to personally thank the staff and volunteers – and collect some surplus plants and tree bark to distribute to community projects in the area.
Contact Councillor Alasdair Keddie
alasdair.keddie@bcpcouncil.gov.uk [council matters]
alasdair.keddie@bcp.greenparty.org.uk [Green Party matters]
01202 375572
Councillor alasdair keddie’s regular surgeries for queen’s park & charminster residents
Third Wednesday of each month
3pm-4pm at Queen’s Park Family Hub, East Way, Charminster
follow alasdair keddie on social media
facebook.com/AlasdairKeddieBmth – Following Alasdair on Facebook is the best way to keep frequently up-to-date with his councillor activities.
queen’s park & Charminster green view – Alasdair’s community newsletter
Alasdair Keddie’s community newsletter, detailing his activities, is delivered to every home in Queen’s Park & Charminster by his team of volunteers.
View issues as PDF documents here to catch up with Alasdair’s work.
Queen’s Park & Charminster Green View – Summer 2024 | Issue 4
Queen’s Park & Charminster Green View – Spring 2023 | Issue 3 (BCP Council election edition)
Queen’s Park & Charminster Green View – Spring 2021 | Issue 2
Queen’s Park & Charminster Green View – Winter 2020/21 | Issue 1 | [YouTube version…]