Simon Bull in Bournemouth Echo: ‘We should not fail these vulnerable children’

Simon Bull, Green Party Councillor for Winton East, has had a letter to the Editor published in the Bournemouth Daily Echo. He was responding to the Echo’s report that 65% of plans issued by BCP Council to assist children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities who need more support failed to hit the specified deadline.

Simon’s letter

CONSISTENTLY missing the deadlines on Education, Health & Care Plans (ECHPs) can have a huge impact on families.

Parents rely on these to ensure their child/children get the appropriate support.

It can mean that a child is not found a place in a suitable educational setting, this can impact on the whole family and can affect the rest of a child’s life.

It is a challenge for the authority but a challenge that needs to be met, we should not fail these vulnerable children and their families.

I hear regularly about families who are at their wits end struggling without the necessary support.

Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth

The national picture

Nationally, campaigners have taken legal action against cuts by the Conservative Government, stating that councils can no longer afford adequate SEN provision.

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