Councillor Sara Armstrong successful in £50,000 funding bid for Knyveton Gardens

Since the election, Councillor Sara Armstrong has been working tirelessly to establish whether money from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) can be used to improve the environment of Knyveton Gardens. She was delighted to hear that her application for £50,000 has now been successful.

Sara said: “This is brilliant news for Knyveton Gardens and the communities who use it. The enhancements that this funding will be used for include play equipment for younger ages, accessibility improvements, vegetation management, a water fountain, better signage including a noticeboard and toilet provision.”

Residents have raised concerns about anti-social behaviour in the park. There are opportunities for local community members to come together to maintain the changes and improvements.

Please get in touch with Sara if you would like to find out more about becoming a Friend of Knyveton Gardens.

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