School Crossing Patrol Officers likely to be made redundant – Sara Armstrong calls for BCP Council to reconsider

Councillor Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) has received confirmation from BCP Council’s Road Safety Team that School Crossing Patrol Officers are likely to be made redundant in the longer term, in favour of automated engineering measures.

Sara said: “As my other ward colleagues have also been hearing concerns raised by other residents too, I’ve subsequently submitted an e-petition to BCP Council on behalf of ward councillors and residents asking them to reconsider. This will need at least 2,000 signatures from residents to be considered by the Council. [Link to follow as soon as it’s been approved by Democratic Services.]

“There are three local schools immediately in the vicinity of this already busy junction. School Crossing Patrollers play a key role in educating young people at the earliest of ages and their families about road safety. The crossing is in an area where there is a diverse multi-cultural community. Many families have English as a second language and are still integrating into the community. This role provides vital support for them in terms of helping them stay safe on the road.

“Being such a part of the community also enables the School Crossing Patroller to be aware of the needs of the area, and highlight any safeguarding concerns. Many families rely on them for signposting and reassurance. The loss of this role – ‘the friendly face’ at the start and end of the school day – in this particular community will have an adverse impact from an equalities perspective, and as a vital resource for the Council as well as for the families in the neighbourhood.

“The important role they have in our community can nowhere near be replaced by the automated pelican lights.”

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