East Cliff & Springbourne Green Group cleans up at monthly community actions

The East Cliff & Springbourne Green Group, led by Councillor Sara Armstrong, has been holding monthly actions to clean up their local community. Here’s a selection of photos, with Sara’s comments.

After this February event, Sara wrote: “Thank you to our crack team of litter pickers this morning! The rain held off and we were able to get our steps in visiting Southcote Road, Northcote Road, St Swithuns Road, Lytton Road and Corporation Road finishing off with the end of Holdenhurst Road.

“We collected 11 bags of rubbish and reported 4 lots of flytipping.

“We chatted with residents and business owners about the extent of the fly tipping on Corporation Road and tidied some over flowing bins on Northcote Road – communal bins do not work.

“Some action points for me:
– Contact the WISE team re enforcement action on Corporation Road
– Raise with cleansing re the communal bin issue
– Ask about an additional bin for the church
– Investigate who is responsible for the phone boxes on St Swithuns Road

“Thank you Cafe 52 for having us afterwards for a well deserved cuppa! πŸ‘”

After this March event, Sara Armstrong wrote: “It was really great to meet residents this morning for our monthly East Cliff & Springbourne Community Action Litter Pick.

“We chatted with other residents a long the way – I am pleased to hear from dog walkers that the new dog poo bins in Spencer Road Park are a welcome addition.

“We collected 7 bags of rubbish and reported more fly tipping. Well done everyone and thank you especially to Josh for bringing your Mum! You are all super heroes!

“Afterwards we enjoyed a cuppa and a good chat at Cafe 52 on St Swithuns Road.

After this April event, Sara wrote: “Thank you to everyone who joined us for our monthly Community Action in East Cliff and Springbourne last Sunday.

“6 bags of rubbish collected, 3 reports of fly tipping and 1 of broken street furniture.

“Great to meet residents from the Bring Community Power group who were out on a street clean up on Knyveton Road.

“So much community spirit in the neighbourhood.”

After this May event, Sara said: “Thank you to everyone who showed up over the weekend to give our community some TLC. Whether you’re picking up litter, reporting fly tipping, talking with your neighbours or cooking food for those in need.

“You’re all amazing and you make East Cliff & Springbourne a great place to live πŸ’š

“Thank you Cherries Cafe πŸ’ for hosting us.”

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