An unsecured, empty property at 21 Knole Road in Springbourne has attracted fly tipping, squatting and anti social behaviour that has made residents feel incredibly unsafe.
Local Councillor Sara Armstrong met with Dorset Police and BCP Council officers to discuss the issue. In the absence of a response from the landlord and various notices served, BCP Council took legal action and took the landlord to task for the neglect of their property.
Dorset Police attended on 15 July to board up the property and secure it to ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents.
The owners of this property live in London and clearly have no investment in our community. The expense incurred by the Council will be charged to the property.
Sara commented: “On behalf of residents, thank you to Dorset Police and BCP Council for your diligence and perseverance in holding this landlord to account, securing the property and dealing with the anti-social behaviour. There have been some challenges to overcome but we are getting there. Thanks to all our residents who have kept reporting. Reporting does lead to results.”