Fly-tipping on Holdenhurst road and shelbourne close removed after sara armstrong acts

A serious incidence of fly-tipping on Holdenhurst Road in Springbourne, and another incidence in Shelbourne Close, have been cleaned up following action by local Green Councillor Sara Armstrong.

Sara reported the pictured mess in Holdenhurst Road to the Waste Investigations Support & Enforcement (WISE) team, commenting: “Fly tipping, overflowing rubbish and the amount of bins left on streets is a growing concern for residents at this end of Holdenhurst Road.”

She received a response that officers went out the very next morning, speaking with residents and investigating the source of the fly tipping. They made a repeat visit to meet more residents and issue caution letters. The waste was subsequently completely cleared:

They have also increased patrols along Holdenhurst Road which has led to further enforcement action.

Sara Armstrong commented: “Thank you to the WISE team and BCP Council officers for all your hard work to clear this well known fly-tipping hot spot.

“This is a really positive outcome from working together as partners – officers, residents, business owners and myself as your ward councillor – to keep this area clear, and send out strong messages that fly-tipping is not welcome on our streets.”

Meanwhile in July, Sara reported this portaloo on Shelbourne Close which was obstructing the highway.

It was gone the following day:

Sara again thanked BCP Council.

Sara commented: “Fly-tipping is a blight in our communities and we must address it with education, reporting and enforcement whilst making it easy for residents to dispose of their rubbish more responsibly.

“Please keep up the reporting. The more red dots there are on the map the more resources we will get to help us address the issues.”

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