Sara Armstrong and Alasdair Keddie support launch of Friends of Knyveton & Spencer Gardens

The Friends of Knyveton and Spencer Gardens launched itself as a constituted community group this evening, at the Eastcliff & Springbourne Residents Group Meeting.

Councillor Sara Armstrong (East Cliff & Springbourne) said: “Reclaiming the park as a community is an important step in combating the type of ASB that has blighted this part of our neighbourhood for decades.

“I’m proud to be one of the very first members.

“Thank you to Councillor Alasdair Keddie (Queen’s Park & Charminster) for dropping in and hearing residents share their experiences of reporting and to Mark Elkins for chairing.

“Thank you Cllr Moriarty for your partnership and to all those who attended.

“Thank you Knyveton Gardens Bowling Club for allowing us to meet in your space.

“If you would like to join the Friends Of Knyvveton & Spencer Gardens Group or volunteer in the park please email me and I’ll connect you with the group.”

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