Sara Armstrong discusses plans for £10,000 prosperity grant for Springbourne

Earlier this month Councillor Sara Armstrong met with her East Cliff & Springbourne ward colleague Cllr Moriarty and BCP Council officers from Greenspaces and Economic Development to discuss the use of the Prosperity Fund in the ward. £10,000 has been allocated to enhance the Springbourne district area. Improvements will focus on the area around the pocket park at Springbourne Library.

Sara says: “The team are working up some ideas which ward councillors can take out into the community for consultation.

“The money needs to be spent by March 2025. £10k won’t go very far so we’re also looking into ways we can attract in more funding to enhance this important community space.

“Preserving our green spaces is vital for mental health, wellbeing, play and making connections with others. Many residents have been concerned about the parks in our area, in particular about play equipment.

“This is an issue very close to my own heart having grown up in the area and raised two children here. I remember taking my own children to this play park after a visit to the library and it being buzzing with other families enjoying a picnic together and having fun after school. I’d like to see that happening again.

“Please get in touch if you’d like to get involved in this project, give feedback or share ideas about the future of Springbourne District Centre.

“We have also heard the concerns expressed from users of the park and residents close by, about the loss of the beloved swing and the deteriorating sponge flooring.

“In light of this we have asked that this investment be directed to the park to maximise the benefit to the community. I attach a visual for feedback about the type of equipment preferred – a basket swing or an octopus seasaw?

“The sponge flooring will also be repaired.

“There is a fantastic opportunity for residents to get more involved with shaping potential developments in Springbourne district – from supporting the library and park as a member of a ‘friends of’ community group, getting involved with any fundraising, community events, volunteering or as a business owner from setting up a Business Watch or simply supporting a ‘buy local’ campaign by taking one of our BCP ‘buy local’ packs.

“There are plenty of good examples of community involvement around parks and district centres such as Churchill Gardens, Seafield Gardens, Winton Library Garden and now our own re emerging Friends of Knyveton and Spencer Gardens.

“If you are a park user please let us know which piece of equipment would work best for the children in the area in your opinion or if you would like to become a ‘Friend of Springbourne Park and Library’. Forming a community group will help us to access funding the council can’t apply for.”

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