
Kate Salmon and Joe Salmon were elected as Green Party Councillors for Moordown in the May 2023 BCP Council election.

Latest moordown news

  • Green campaign against closure succeeds: Moordown Plus Day Centre saved

    Green campaign against closure succeeds: Moordown Plus Day Centre saved

    Following a grassroots campaign supported and led by your Green ward councillors, Joe and Kate Salmon, BCP Council has abandoned its plan to close the much-loved Moordown Plus day centre. The centre provides a “gold standard” daytime facility for older people living with dementia, and is a lifeline for both service users and their carers.

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  • Joe and Kate Salmon sort new play equipment for Moordown Rec

    Joe and Kate Salmon sort new play equipment for Moordown Rec

    Green Party councillors for Moordown Joe Salmon and Kate Salmon have worked with council officers to ensure that new play equipment is installed at Moordown Recreation Ground. Last year there was another arson attack (see photo inset) on new play equipment which had previously been left uninsured by BCP Council.

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Councillor Kate Salmon

Kate Salmon has lived and worked in the local area since 2017, and started her and Joe’s family here. She is passionate about doing what she can to improve Moordown’s services, facilities and environment for the benefit of everyone.

Kate is an experienced community campaigner and organiser, with a long track record of working for social and environmental change. Her career to date has included working for a wide range of charities, and in the public sector.

Councillor Joe Salmon

Joe Salmon was born and bred in Dorset. He works in the NHS, and has a background in environmental campaigning.

He is committed to making Moordown the best place it can be and creating a safe, pleasant, family-friendly area for the benefit of everyone. Along with Kate, he is raising his family here – so local concerns are his concerns.

Contact kate Salmon

Email (council matters) (Green Party matters)

07764 212765

Follow Kate Salmon on social media


Contact joe salmon


07926 714549

Follow joe salmon on social media

X/Twitter @JoeSalmonBmouth

Monthly councillor surgeries for Moordown residents

Third Sunday of each month (except August and December)
10am-11am at Moordown Community Centre

Moordown green view community newsletters

Kate Salmon has been delivering Moordown Green View community newsletters to every home in Moordown regularly since 2021. You can browse her and Joe’s activities in PDF copies of these newsletters below:

Moordown Green View – Spring 2024 | Issue 10

Moordown Green View – Summer 2023 | Issue 9

Moordown Green View – Spring 2023 (BCP Council election edition) | Issue 8

Moordown Green View – Feb/March 2023 | Issue 7

Moordown Green View – Autumn 2022 | Issue 6

Moordown Green View – Summer 2022 | Issue 5

Moordown Green View – Spring 2022 | Issue 4

Moordown Green View – Winter 2021/22 | Issue 3

Moordown Green View – Autumn 2021 | Issue 2

Moordown Green View – May 2019 | Issue 1

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