
May 2nd Local Election: Know Your Voting Rights

15 March 2019

EU nationals will be able to vote in the May 2nd council elections. British and British Commonwealth citizens are also eligible to vote. You have to be 18 years old to vote. In general elections, students can vote in their home area OR their university area, and in local elections, students can vote in their home area AND their university area. Everyone must be registered to vote at their current address(es):

1,000 Empty Homes in Bournemouth as Town Rents soar 5% per Year

13 March 2019

Bournemouth Council data shows there are 998 empty homes in the town. However, the Conservative-run council has never used the "empty dwelling management order" powers available to get homes back into use.

Open Letter to Bournemouth Labour Party

11 March 2019

The local Green Party has written an open letter to Bournemouth Labour Party regarding progressive politics in our local area.

Greens leading the way on Climate Action

01 March 2019

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP, speaks in Parliament about climate change.

Major Oil Rush after Bournemouth Beach Test Drilling

01 March 2019

Bournemouth now faces a headlong rush for full-scale long-term new oil drilling, just off our award-winning beach. The test oil rig in Poole Bay discovered 15 million barrels of extractable oil. which if burned will lead to an estimated extra 1.7 million tonnes of carbon emissions.

Parking Enforcement: Bournemouth Council is letting down Winton

21 February 2019

Green Councillor Simon Bull has been receiving complaints from local residents in Winton about parking enforcement. Residents report that monitoring and enforcement isn't happening of double yellow lines, or areas with limited parking time allowed.

Winton Library Gardens Closure: This is no way to run a Tourist Town

19 February 2019

Green Party councillor Simon Bull and local activist Chris Rigby have renewed their calls for the re-opening of Winton Library Gardens.

Council Pushes ahead with unpopular Wessex Fields scheme

17 February 2019

Bournemouth Council’s Wessex Fields scheme to build a new road through the green belt in the area around the A338 and Royal Bournemouth Hospital continues despite environmental concerns and local opposition.

Bournemouth Beach Oil Drilling Begins - Simon Bull Highlights Lack of Action by Conor Burns

10 February 2019

The Bournemouth Beach oil rig is now in place and drilling has begun. Simon Bull, Green Party councillor for Winton East and Parliamentary candidate for Bournemouth West, has called out the lack of action by Bournemouth West's Conservative MP Conor Burns to try to prevent it.

Green MEP Molly Scott Cato visiting Bournemouth this weekend!

06 February 2019

Three very different events are running this weekend during the visit to South East Dorset of our Green Party MEP, Molly Scott Cato. Ask Molly a question online, join a debate at BU, or get active and join our local election campaign on the ground... or why not do all three?!

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