
Leading Green Candidate Calls for an end to EU financing of fossil-fuel stations

26 July 2013

South-West Greens welcome the news that the European Investment Bank will stop financing most coal-fired power-stations as a positive step to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and address the issue of climate change.

Public Meeting on the Climate Reality Project

21 July 2013

On Saturday 13th July local Climate Leader Mark Chivers presented "The Climate Reality Project" at Moordown Community Centre as part of a series of meetings organized for the community by the South East Dorset Green Party.

Embracing the Power of the Wind

18 July 2013

In a letter published in the Bournemouth Echo on Monday 15th July, Mark Chivers, of the Climate Reality Project, has responded to a letter attacking Friends of the Earth’s decision to support the Navitus Bay Wind Park development.

The Climate Reality Project

10 July 2013

All are invited to a presentation by local Climate Leader Mark Chivers on the topic of the Climate Reality Project, on Saturday July 13th at 10.00 am at Moordown Community Centre.

Hydraulic Fracturing Public Meeting

06 July 2013

BH Green Group will be holding a meeting about hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Bournemouth on Thursday 11th July 7.30-9.30pm. There will be a presentation by Frack Free Dorset followed by a discussion.

Windmills, a distant fear

29 June 2013

Mark, now submitting letters in his new role as a leader in the Climate Reality Project, has had a letter published in the Bournemouth Echo about wind power.

Climate Change Presentations for Community Groups

26 June 2013

Our local Chairman, Mark, has recently been trained as a Climate Leader, offering presentations to Dorset community groups and business organisations.

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists re-visited

15 June 2013

Mark Chivers re-examines Robert Tressell's classic novel to show that, despite many advances since 1914, underlying power structures remain the same.

Decarbonising Energy Supplies

12 June 2013

South East Dorset Green Party comments on the Energy Bill amendments and the way that local MPs voted.

Natalie Bennett's visit to Bournemouth

07 June 2013

Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader of England and Wales, visited Bournemouth on Wednesday 5th June for a full programme of events.

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