
South East Dorset Green Party welcomes call for openness on nuclear subsidies.

18 April 2013

As Navitus Bay critics continue to challenge Government subsidies for renewables SEDGP welcomed the request for disclosure on how much the public will have to pay to support nuclear energy.

West Howe Go Green

22 March 2013

West Howe, as part of Go Green Bournemouth, wants to to strengthen the community against the effects of climate change.

Bad News for Taxpayers and Bad News for our Energy Future

22 March 2013

Energy Secretary Ed Davey has given planning consent to EDF to build a new nuclear facility at Hinkley Point C in Somerset. No new facility to deal with the toxic waste has yet been agreed.

Budget 2013: Another Divisive Budget

20 March 2013

Whilst the South East Dorset Green Party welcomes the UK Government's promise to spend 0.7% of national income in overseas aid the Chancellor has proved himself hopelessly out of touch with the realities facing the majority of British families.

Navitus Bay Wind Farm

01 February 2013

Several of our members attended a demonstration held in Swanage in January to support the Navitus Offshore Wind Farm.

People’s Assembly – Coalition of Resistance

01 February 2013

This is a call to all those millions of people in Britain who face an impoverished and uncertain year as their wages, jobs, conditions and welfare provision come under renewed attack by the government.

Boycott Workfare Week of Action

01 February 2013

The Government is pushing ahead with increasingly savage workfare policies despite the fierce resistance to the scheme causing many high street names and national charities to pull out.

Green Party Reaction Over Remploy Closure

30 November 2012

The South East Dorset Green Party has angrily reacted to the news that the disability company Remploy in Poole is to close, making staff redundant.

Green Party commend Plans at University

09 November 2012

The South East Dorset Green Party has today commended the Town’s university as it makes efforts to cut its carbon emissions.

West Coast Mainline fiasco shows railways need re nationalisation

31 October 2012

The Green Party of South East Dorset is calling for the Government to re-nationalise the railways.

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