
Winton residents unhappy with pavement weeds

15 November 2022

Simon Bull, Green Councillor for Winton East, says: "I am aware that there has been an issue with weeds - weeds in the pavements, weeds on the side of the roads, in Winton East and across the area more in general. We have been doing what we can to contact the Council. It has been a bit of an issue."

Local dog fouling: Current response isn't working, admits BCP Council

14 November 2022

BCP Council have admitted that “a more effective solution is required” to dog fouling “than what we currently have”. Moordown campaigner Kate Salmon had written to BCP to take up concerns she was hearing from local residents about frequency of dog mess left on streets.

Kate Salmon at Bournemouth's COP27 demo: 'The solutions to the cost of living crisis and the climate emergency are the same'

13 November 2022

Kate Salmon, Green Party speaker for Moordown, was one of the speakers to around 100 demonstrators in Bournemouth Square for Saturday's COP27 Global Day of Action. Kate began: "I want to talk about what real leadership on climate change might look like, and about how the answers to the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis are linked."

Anti-social behaviour in Winton: Simon Bull sorts obscene graffiti, unruly yard - amid rising concerns

12 November 2022

Hard-working Green Councillors for Winton East, Simon Bull and Chris Rigby, have been seeing, hearing and taking action on more anti-social behaviour concerns in Winton. Simon Bull acted to get obscene graffiti removed from Leslie Road, and to get successful enforcement action on a rubbish-strewn Cardigan Road front yard. Councillor Bull says: "There are incidents of antisocial behaviour across the area, and Councillor Rigby and I do our best to tackle them when they arise."

Green Party appoints Kate Salmon as first paid Dorset County Campaign Organiser

11 November 2022

The Green Party of England & Wales has appointed BCP Green Party's Kate Salmon as its first ever paid Campaign Organiser for Dorset County. Kate will start her new role on 22nd November.

Cost of living crisis: Help is available for local residents, highlight Kate Salmon and Simon Bull

10 November 2022

Food price hikes, soaring energy bills, mortgage turbulence – the cost of living crisis is hitting household finances hard. Ordinary families are facing stark choices this winter, with many people worried about how they’re going afford the essentials in the coming months.

Chris Rigby: Have your say in BCP Council consultations on green spaces

03 November 2022

Chris Rigby, Green Party Councillor for Winton East, says: "BCP Council has a few consultations and engagements on green spaces open. Please get involved as your feedback really matters. Deadline is 5th December."

Council budget crisis: BCP lines up tax rises, fee hikes, savage cuts, de-staffing

31 October 2022

BCP Council has been scrambling to fix a "material funding gap" of £36m. This follows a Government intervention to block the local Conservative administration's "dodgy deal" to sell off 3,605 beach huts to plug the budget hole. The Government stated its concern about the "financial sustainability" of the Council, and put in special extra oversight measures. BCP Council has now asked the Government for a bailout of £76 million over three years, including £20m now. The Council's own auditors issued what the Bournemouth Echo described as a "scathing report", branding current financial sustainability arrangements as "not good enough".

Green Councillors visit Bournemouth Jamei Mosque in Winton for open weekend and Islamic Cultural Exhibition

29 October 2022

Simon Bull, Green Party Councillor for Winton East, says: "Councillor Rigby and I visited the Bournemouth Jamei Mosque in Winton this morning for their Open Weekend and Islamic Cultural Exhibition. We had some good conversations and learnt a little about Islam."

Simon Bull in Bournemouth Echo: 'We should not fail these vulnerable children'

17 October 2022

Simon Bull, Green Party Councillor for Winton East, has had a letter to the Editor published in the Bournemouth Daily Echo. He was responding to the Echo's report that 65% of plans issued by BCP Council to assist children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities who need more support failed to hit the specified deadline.

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