
Let's talk about mounting anti-social behaviour problems on Winton's streets

10 April 2021

Hard-working local Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby have been responding to a growing number of contacts from Winton residents concerned by apparent increases in drug-related anti-social behaviour on local streets.

Ben Pantling selected as Green Party candidate for Canford Heath by-election

08 April 2021

The Green Party has selected Ben Pantling as its candidate for the BCP Council by-election in Canford Heath ward, Poole, to take place on Thursday 6th May. Ben Pantling has been a resident of Poole for over ten years, and has lived in the wider Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole conurbation for nearly 20 years. He has three children in Poole schools, and he is glad to have made Poole his home for his family.

Claire Seymour selected as Green Party candidate for Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner election

31 March 2021

On Thursday 6th May, voters will be turning out to elect Dorset Police's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). PCCs are elected representatives who are responsible for setting out police force budgets, ensuring the force is efficient and effective, and providing a link between communities and police. The latest candidate to announce is Green Party’s Claire Seymour who will be the Green Party’s first candidate nominated for the role, and Dorset’s second ever female candidate.

Hundreds of Dorset residents #TakeAStand against sexual harassment of women in "people-free protest"

18 March 2021

The disappearance of Sarah Everard and subsequent discovery of her body in Kent last week sent shockwaves through the country. Since then thousands of women have sent their experiences of being intimidated or harassed while walking alone at night. Today a group of women highlighted the issue in Dorset. Rather than physically coming together, they held a people-free protest - hundreds of people taking a stand - in a lockdown-compliant peaceful protest.

Happy International Women's Day: A day to celebrate enormous achievements of women - and also highlight worrying rises in gender-based violence

08 March 2021

Claire Seymour, BCP Green Party's Policing & Crime Spokesperson, takes a moment to celebrate the enormous social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and their many huge strides forward towards equality. However, she also highlights the marked upswing in gender-based violence, all around the world, since the start of the pandemic - acknowledged by the World Health Organisation as a crisis in itself.

'Derisory 1% NHS pay rise: Handclaps don't pay the mortgage or feed kids, says mental health worker

07 March 2021

John Tutton, a mental health worker, says: "I would love to say I'm surprised regarding the government's derisory offer of a 1% pay rise to hardworking NHS staff, but sadly I'm not. I'm exasperated, seeing colleagues and friends reach burnout, with the need to pay off debts accrued from university, pressured to fill all the hours left empty by vacancies; vacancies created by a decade of austerity."

New play equipment now in place at Winton's Pine Road Park

02 March 2021

Three items of new play equipment are now in place at Winton's highly popular Pine Road Park. Local Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby had signed off on the funding for the new multi-play unit, rondel and seesaw that BCP Council have recently installed.

"Asking For It" opinion survey: Local Green Party member's photography project informs BU victim-blaming study

11 February 2021

Photographer and local Green Party member Jayne Jackson seeks participants for the new phase of her award-winning photography project "Asking For It", exploring victim-blaming..

People's Assembly to discuss solutions to BCP's drug crime, addiction and anti-social behaviour

25 January 2021

In the 50th anniversary year of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, it is clearer than ever that the “war on drugs” has abjectly failed. Our conurbation needs to talk about local drug-related crime, addiction, and anti-social behaviour. And the local Green Party would like your help in continuing to raise the issues and develop visions to make things better, in locally tailored and well judged ways.

Scary new BCP lockdown message appears illiterate of attitude-change psychology, but will worsen anxiety disorder epidemic

17 January 2021

Local Greens have written an urgent letter to Conservative-run BCP Council's Covid resilience chief, sharing scientific evidence which suggests that BCP's new shock-tactic messaging to encourage people to stay at home during the current national lockdown (a) risks backfiring in its effects on virus-spreading public behaviour; and (b) at the same time is likely to exacerbate the epidemic of anxiety disorders associated with the pandemic.

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