
Wessex Fields road scheme drastically scaled back by BCP Council

01 October 2019

The plans approved by the previous Conservative-controlled Bournemouth Council for a multi-million pound roadbuilding scheme at Wessex Fields have been drastically scaled back by the new Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council.

BCP Council to switch to 100% renewable electricity

28 September 2019

Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council has announced that all council buildings across the conurbation will be powered by 100% renewable electricity with effect from 1 October. A council statement said: "In response to the Climate Emergency declared in the summer, BCP Council has taken steps to ensure its own electricity use comes from 100% renewable sources as soon as possible."

Action on Climate Change demonstrations in Bournemouth and Poole

20 September 2019

Adults joined students demanding action on Climate Change in demonstrations across the world. Locally, Green Party members attended rallies in Bournemouth and Poole.

BCP's Green councillors condemn new oil exploration at Wytch Farm

13 September 2019

BCP's Green councillors Chris Rigby and Simon Bull have appeared on ITV regional news condemning Conservative-run Dorset Council's decision to wave through permission for further oil exploration at Wytch Farm in Purbeck, already western Europe's largest onshore oil field.

People's Assembly develops ideas for the BCP Climate & Ecological Emergency

31 August 2019

Over 50 concerned local citizens attended a People's Assembly hosted by the local Green Party, on the topic of what we can contribute to the local climate and ecological emergency in Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP).

A People's Assembly on Climate & Ecological Emergency

26 August 2019

South East Dorset Green Party invites you to a people's assembly on Weds 28th August, open to all, dedicated to discussion of the Climate & Ecological Emergency in BCP and what we as concerned members of the local community can contribute.

BCP Council declares a Climate & Ecological Emergency

16 July 2019

This Tuesday evening, 16th July, BCP Council has overwhelmingly passed the Climate & Ecological Emergency motion submitted by Green Party councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby in fulfilment of an election pledge.

Drinking fountain for people and dogs

25 June 2019

A new drinking fountain for people and pooches has been installed at Winton Recreation Ground.

Letter to the editor: We shouldn't point fingers

12 June 2019

Councillor Chris Rigby's letter in defence of Extinction Rebellion activists has been published in the Bournemouth Echo.

Unity Alliance takes control of BCP Council

01 June 2019

Following the council election in Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) on 2nd May in which the Conservatives lost their majority, a broad range of councillors from non-Conservative parties and groups have come together to take control of BCP Council and form a ‘Unity Alliance’.

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