
Winton East Green Group picks litter at Winton Rec

17 July 2021

"Wonderful sunshine during our litterpick yesterday morning at Winton Rec. With Pete, Martine and local Green Councillor Simon Bull."

'Not the way a transparent and open government should act': Simon Bull on Conor Burns' dinners with fossil fuel companies

15 July 2021

The Independent reports: "Representatives from the three gas giants, plus Chevron and Equinor, used a dinner with then-trade minister [and Bournemouth West MP] Conor Burns in February last year to argue the fossil fuel industry should be seen as a 'vital' part of the solution to climate change." Simon Bull, Green Party Parliamentary candidate for Bournemouth West in 2017 and 2019, commented: "It really is time for this government and its ministers to get behind genuine measures and actions that tackle the Climate Emergency.

Simon Bull shows support for the Winton Community Shed

07 July 2021

Simon Bull, Green Councillor for Winton East, says: "I popped over to Winton Recreation Ground this afternoon to meet with Tess and the people at The Winton Community Shed. They were busy making bug hotels for the play gardens, and work surfaces for the shed while I was there."

Winton East councillors join Acland Road neighbourhood litter-pick

03 July 2021

Winton East's Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby were out this morning for a slightly soggy litter pick with residents from the Acland Road Community Support group; they went on tackle to Brownen Road, Frampton Road and a bit of Markham Road too!

'A reckless risk for taxpayers': BCP Council investing pensions in unburnable fossil fuels

30 June 2021

Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council is refusing to back a switch of taxpayer-underwritten investments away from fossil fuel assets in the Dorset Pension Fund. Their unwillingness to divest from "unburnable" fossil fuels is is a "reckless risk for local taxpayers", warn local Greens.

Cllr Simon Bull helps wildflower seeding operation at Winton Rec

16 May 2021

Simon Bull, Green Party Councillor for Winton East, says: "I joined Josh, staff from The Parks Foundation and residents to sow some wildflower seeds at Winton Recreation Ground this morning. Seeded and racked in two hours. Some changes coming to the Rec, which will hopefully make it even better."

Claire Seymour places third in Dorset PCC election, ahead of Lib Dems and Labour, with 1 in 7 first-preference votes

08 May 2021

Claire Seymour says: "Thank you SO much for all your support, your shares and want for change. It was amazing to see the results come in, to be ahead of Labour and Lib Dems! Such a wonderful experience - relentless, yet fun and a total rollercoaster. I’m looking forward to sharing my experience of being a woman running for public office (SO much to say!) and the whole PCC process soon."

Rubbish incinerator proposed at Hurn: Consultation extended till 11th May

18 April 2021

Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd have submitted a planning application to BCP Council for an “Energy Recovery Facility” to be located at Chapel Lane, Hurn, Christchurch. Alasdair Keddie, Co-Chair of BCP Green Party, said: "Despite the glossy 'carbon friendly' PR, the Hurn Energy Recovery Facility is an incinerator project. The word 'incinerator is scrupulously avoided throughout the planning application and supporting information. Energy recovery from incinerating waste is not low carbon or climate friendly. It is essentially generating energy from dirty fossil fuel (plastic waste)."

Stop the fly-tipping in Queen's Park and Charminster

12 April 2021

Fly-tipping is continuing to occur regularly on the streets of Queen’s Park and Charminster. Hard-working local campaigner Alasdair Keddie says: “I have been recording & reporting the regular fly-tipping in Queen's Park since last year. In January alone I reported over 100 fly-tipped bin bags to BCP Council.

Let's talk about mounting anti-social behaviour problems on Winton's streets

10 April 2021

Hard-working local Green Councillors Simon Bull and Chris Rigby have been responding to a growing number of contacts from Winton residents concerned by apparent increases in drug-related anti-social behaviour on local streets.

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