
Why Politics Matters

04 October 2013

Members of South East Dorset Green Party were delighted to welcome their Party Leader to Bournemouth on Friday 27th September at an event organised by the Politics and Media School at Bournemouth University.

MEP Jean Lambert

Education and Action needed for Climate Change

02 October 2013

MEP Jean Lambert has slammed David Cameron’s claim to lead ‘the greenest Government ever’ after the IPCC report warned that runaway climate change fuelled by carbon dioxide emissions is a real possibility.

Open Letter to Bournemouth Council Leaders, Bournemouth MPs and local media

30 September 2013

An Open Letter from a coalition of local groups and individuals.

Green groups call for end of one-sided debate on Wind Farms

30 September 2013

Campaigners have issued an open letter to Bournemouth Council Leaders, Bournemouth MPs and local media expressing concerns at the negative coverage and lack of balance in the public ‘debate’ over the Navitus Bay Wind Farm.


Local issues - petitions to sign

15 September 2013

Here are four issues of local concern (wind farm, fracking, bus service cuts and oil well) and links to petitions.

Lead Green Party candidate offers critical support for Wind Farm

09 September 2013

Molly Scott Cato, spoke at the Shelley Theatre, Bournemouth recently, as part of the Green Community Fair.

Building a Green Europe

27 August 2013

Molly Scott Cato is to speak at the Green Community Fair being held on 30th and 31st August.

People favour Green Party Policies

21 August 2013

South East Dorset Green Party has been following the recent letters in the Guardian, and Caroline Lucas's excellent response is reproduced here.

Letter writing

Climate change very real concern

11 August 2013

Our press officer takes the council to task in a letter published in the Bournemouth Echo.

Green Party London Assembly Member nominated to the second chamber in the Palace of Westminster

01 August 2013

The Green Party today accepted the nomination of London Assembly Member, Jenny Jones to the second chamber in the Palace of Westminster. Ms Jones was chosen as the Green Party nomination by a ballot of all members of the Green Party of England and Wales.

RSS Feed Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Green Party RSS Feed

National News