We’re powered by people, not big business
Can you help? We urgently need donations NOW, to support our #MultiplyBCPGreens campaign.
If everyone gives just £3, or whatever you can afford, our key Green candidates will be able to deliver positive local Green messages to hundreds more local residents.
Thank you for all your support for the Green Party locally and nationally.
Choice of payment methods
Alternatively, you can avoid transaction fees by making a bank transfer using the following details:
- Account name: South East Dorset Green Party
- Acount number: 65497454
- Sort Code: 08-92-99 (The Co-operative Bank)
[“South East Dorset Green Party” is the previous name of Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Green Party – all donations go straight to BCPGP.]
(Email confirmation of a bank transfer donation, to treasurer@bcp.greenparty.org.uk, would help us with our bookkeeping.)
Or you may send a cheque, made payable to South East Dorset Green Party, to: The Treasurer, BCP Green Party, 30 Latimer Road, Bournemouth, BH9 1JZ.
If you would prefer instead to set up a recurring monthly donation to BCP Green Party, please go to the separate monthly donations page.