Adrian John Oliver - Candidate for Poole Constituency

Adrian OliverCongratulations to Adrian, who received 2,198 votes (4.6%).  What a fantastic achievement and how narrowly this missed the 5% threshold for the return of the deposit!

Here is a link to the leaflet which was delivered by Royal Mail to all households in Poole: Adrian John Oliver for Poole

Adrian John Oliver has had a varied career including retail sales, bank clerk, bookkeeping, office management, natural therapies and a four-year term as a Green Party councillor in London. Adrian lives in Parkstone, has five generations of family living locally and attended Poole Grammar School.

‘The nature of politics in this country is changing. The theory of trickle-down economics has been discredited. Our current system is creating a flow of wealth from the poorest and the middle classes up to the super rich. Solvable problems, such as the decades-long lack of affordable housing, have not been tackled because of a lack of political will. The result is ever greater disillusionment with politics in general and the other major parties in particular. Fundamentally, they share and further the same exploitative corporate agenda, putting profit before people and the planet.

At its best, politics is about creating the change we want to see in our society - improving quality of life for all, not just a few. This is the focus of the Green Party, and the reason why I joined it. Blind policy surveys have consistently shown that our policies are the most popular and increasingly, people are realising that the Green Party is the way forward. Last year local people helped elect the first Green Party MEP for the South West, Molly Scott Cato, and in January, more than 20,000 people joined the Green Party. Let’s create the Green government we deserve.'

Adrian can be contacted by email.


The Poole Constituency


Poole Constituency ward map


The Poole Consituency is wholely within the town of Poole and covers the following local council wards:

  • Branksome West
  • Canford Cliffs
  • Creekmoor
  • Hamworthy East
  • Hamworthy West
  • Newtown
  • Oakdale
  • Parkstone
  • Penn Hill
  • Poole Town