We’re powered by people, not big business
Your donation will help us get Greens elected.
The Green Party is funded through donations by individuals like you. We don’t take donations from businesses that are trying to sway our politics. Politics is about people, and delivering a society that puts them first. Can you donate to help us get more Greens elected in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole?
Now that we have councillors in four different BCP wards, and are planning to become active soon in more wards, we urgently need more donations.
Currently if you are paying a Green Party membership subscription, none of this directly reaches your local party here in BCP.
How your monthly donation would help
- A regular donation of just £3 per month would cover the print cost of over 1,000 Green Party community newsletters each year.
- If you could spare £10 per month, that would fund 3,428 community newsletters over a year – the majority of a typical print run.
- £15 per month would cover the entire cost of a community newsletter yearly.
Some Green Party members do manage to donate £30 per month to the party, or £50 per month. Whatever amount you can spare, you will be a hero of the local movement.
Thank you for all your support for the Green Party locally and nationally.
donate monthly now
Prefer to make a one-off donation?
You can alternatively make a one-off donation to Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Green Party (BCPGP) – please visit our separate One-off donations page.