

The Green Party speakers for Parkstone ward are Sarah Ward and Ben Pantling.

Sarah Ward

Sarah Ward

Sarah has lived in Poole for over 25 years. She is mum to three now adult daughters, all of whom were born in Poole. Sarah works for a charity which provides advocacy for children involved in the care system or who are care experienced, ensuring they have a voice and that their rights and entitlements are met. Prior to this Sarah worked for 30 years with homelessness and substance misuse organisations, developing services and improving outcomes for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

As a person with a deep rooted belief in the power of community, Sarah was previously a trustee for local LGBT+ charity Space Youth Projects, and more recently The Parent Carer Foundation, taking on a key role in the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) improvement work being carried out by BCP Council. Sarah is passionate about improving the rights of carers (being one herself) and improving health equality for all. In 2020 Sarah co-founded and ran the Covid-19 Poole Community Project – providing vital support to over 400 local residents with a team of around 20 volunteers.

As a Green Party campaigner, Sarah has a passion for protecting and restoring the environment and encouraging others to see that we are all part of nature and not separate to it. Sarah supported her daughter to organise the COP27 rally for BCP in 2022, which was attended by over 300 people. Sarah is a keen advocate of social justice and campaigns for our essential services like the NHS, water supply and public transport to be kept out of the hands of profiteering private enterprise. In 2020 Sarah was named as one of the Big Issue 100 Change Makers of the year for her campaign to remove measures the council had introduced which penalised people living on the streets for being homeless. The campaign resulted in a case going to the High Court and the council removing the measures.

Ben Pantling

Ben has lived within the BCP conurbation for nearly 30 years. Along with with his wife and three children, his family home is in Poole.

Ben works for a well-known local manufacturing company with an international reputation.

An avid sports fan and participant, he coaches the Poole RFC Juniors, plays for the Poole RFC senior men’s team and has a long history of playing in the Bournemouth Saturday & Sunday football leagues. He has also completed three marathons, most recently London 2024.

As a Green Party activist, Ben has a passion for protecting the environment so that it can be passed on to our children in a better state.

Follow sarah ward on social media

X/Twitter @Sarah_Ward50

Follow ben pantling on social media

Facebook facebook.com/poolegreenpantling
X/Twitter @greenpoolepant1

Contact Ben pantling

Email benjamin.pantling@bcp.greenparty.org.uk

Follow poole greens on social media


Poole Green view – community newsletter

Poole Green View – Spring 2023

Further issues of Poole Green View are planned, especially to Parkstone ward – if you could deliver some copies of a future newsletter there in your own time, please get in touch with Ben.

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